Crooked was founded with the goals to bring education, safety, and enjoyability to those interested in consuming cannabis. We call ourselves a functional beverage because there's a lot more to Crooked than a little hemp. Feel good about what you're putting in your body and get a little buzz from it too. Check out the benefits yourself from that golden 1:1 ratio of CBD and THC - whether you're by yourself after a long day or sitting at a bonfire with some friends and family, you're making the right choice for a drink. We started with our 3 mg and 5 mg options for a few reasons...
New consumers (maybe you) have the opportunity to try a very microdosed version of Crooked with a 3mg can to find your "sweet spot" maybe it's two cans maybe its a whole 4-pack.
The future of social drinking! Enjoy a few 3mg cans of Crooked while your buddy has 3 alcoholic seltzers and you'll be 1:1 with them feeling sooo much better.
At the time, the Minnesota law stated that one serving = 5 mg or less in ONE can.
Everyone has different tolerances and preferences for consumption. You may be able to take down four 5mg cans in one sitting and that's cool!
Then the law changed...

Minnesota made things a little more rugged recently with the allowance of having 2 servings in a container, making a single can 10mg of thc! We immediately went to work to bring you this remarkable version of Minnesota's favorite infused tonics. Originally the Minnesota law that passed in July of 2022 stated that one serving was 5mg of THC. Let's just say that some companies took a ... loose ... interpretation of what a serving meant. This year, the legislature provided some clarification. Recognizing that 10mg was very popular, they decided to give people what they wanted. Now Minnesota law is very clear--a 12oz can have two servings of up to 5mg, and no more. Most states are sticking with 5mg, so Minnesota's model of easy access, and not-so-low potency might not spread. Enjoy it here, folks!
Don't worry - it's not going to taste like bong water - you get the same great flavor of Crooked you know and love, just with an extra oomf of THC and CBD. Our 10mg thc beverages come in all our original flavors: Berry Hibiscus, Blood Orange, & Strawberry Basil. Just remember, one can is technically two servings of THC so if you're looking for a lower dose, split it with a friend and make a mocktail. Try all our flavors and save a little money with our variety bundle - we can ship it right to your house!
So whatever high you're looking for - we have you covered with our 3, 5, and 10mg thc & cbd tonic options. WEED love if you'd try our tonics! Cheers!