Bars and retailers where you can find Crooked Lane
No journey through life follows a straight line.
And the bends, turns and curves that make up our paths, also makes us who we are. Are you someone who is willing to explore? Willing to step outside the ordinary? Willing to make the conventional "un"?
If so, then come take a walk with us and discover an unexpected experience that turns life up a notch. Because Crooked Lane leads to the above and beyond.
Crooked Lane is made with pure fruit puree. The flavors are exquisitely tuned. The taste is off the map. And the effects-across the full range of infusions lead you gently and smoothly to your own happiness.
Your joy will be different from others. But that's okay.
Finding your own way means taking the path less traveled.
And once you head down Crooked Lane, you'll discover it's the only way to go.
Attorney and semi-retired politician, Ryan started Crooked Beverage Co. after losing an election. He passed the THC beverage laws in Minnesota that have served as the tinder to ignite the U.S. cannabis market. He knows his stuff. A Bemidji native, he’s now a suburban hockey dad who is the least likely to
discuss sports at the water cooler.

As the founder of one of the nation's largest logisitics technology firms,
Dave, naturally, is in charge of getting Crooked drinks from here to there. Among,
as you can imagine, other things. A proud father, grandfather, and dachshund owner, Dave's close ties to his family do not include his Mother knowing of his THC business.

As a successful builder of a popular streetwear brand, Jeremy puts the hip in entrepreneurship and serves as Crooked’s director of marketing and talent.
Someone has to keep an eye on the adults. Currently, he’s consumed by his passion for golf and his desire to make the sport less staid and staunch. If he were
as cool as his grandma, he might succeed.

A former Fortune 500 company CFO, Chad is the money guy and Master of Consumer Tastings. Honest and plain-spoken to a fault, Chad tells like it is, usually while holding a can of Crooked. (Who can blame him?) He also got into this business by trusting a politician. (So, maybe we can blame him)